

Population:  1072
Km2:  Religion:  Cristian
Main Airport: Copenhagen
Countrycode: DK Continent: Europe
Capital Region of Denmark Is a  Danish in  Denmark
Goverment: Democracy

North Zealand is known as the Danish Riviera. Just a short drive from Copenhagen and lined with lovely, calm beaches, the place lives up to its name. The famous Coast Road winds north from the capital past beach after beach on the way to some of Denmark's most popular holidays destinations.

North Zealand has long been the playground of Danish Kings and Queens, and the region is dotted with castles, royal parks and fascinating history. It also offers you some of Denmark's most popular museums and art galleries.

North Zealand is a picturesque area surrounded by water and dotted with lakes and forests. It's easily accessible and packed with opportunities to get out into nature.

Read more about Vejby North Sealand.

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Visit Vejby North Zealand

Vejby nordsjælland DenmarkVejby strandVejby is a small town in North with 1,036 inhabitants (2010). Vejby is located three miles east of Tisvilde, three kilometers south of Rågeleje and seven kilometers north of Helsinge. The city belongs Gribskov Municipality and is situated in Vejby parish. Vejby Church and Vejby Station is located in Vejby.

Just near Vejby, running alongside Tisvilde Hegn, Denmark's fifth largest forest, stretches a kilometre of white, child-friendly sandy beaches lapped by clean salty waters, and fringed by dunes and forests.

The 30 km coastline between Tisvildeleje and Hellebæk has been dubbed the Danish Riviera, while it may be hard to see why in the winters rain and ice cold wind, the well heeled guests and part time residents that descend on the coast line come spring and summer, makes the nickname much more obvious. The 10 or so villages on the coast, have practically been joined together by long swaths of summer cottages - tripling or even quadrupling the population during the summer months, where at times it seems half the population of Copenhagen is here.

Visit Vejby by train
The easiest entry points are Hillerød and Elsinore. Hillerød is reached with the E line of the S-train system (44 mins), from there you can catch a small local railway which runs to either Gilleje or Tisvildeleje/Helsinge once or twice an hour throughout most of the day.

Visit Vejby by Bus
Hillerød is also the main terminal for bus routes in the area. Another option is Elsinore at the end of the kystbanen railway from central Copenhagen (45 mins) from there you can another small local railway to Gilleje running along the coast. The whole trip from Copenhagen Central station to Gilleleje takes around 1,15 hours via Hillerød and and 1,45 hours via Elsinore.

Visit Vejby by Car
There are plenty of options for driving and routes naturally depends where exactly you are going in North Zealand, but generally you take the Hillerødmotorvejen (route 16) motorway towards Hillerød for destinations west of Gilleleje, while the Helsingørmotorvejen (route E47/55) motorway towards Elsinore is fastest for destinations to the east, and more beutiful with the osean to the right, all the way.

What to see when visit Vejby

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